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The Civil Protection is an essential public service for the citizen, whom he places at the center of his public action, to contribute effectively to his safety.


This is the objective that guides us: to protect people and goods, offering an adequate response to the different types of emergencies and catastrophes, whether they are caused by natural causes, or derived from human action, accidentally or intentionally.


Therefore, it is vital to have a National Civil Protection System that provides the necessary tools to do so. And Law 17/2015 of July 10 contributes to this, an integrating norm that brings together all the parties that have something to contribute to the Civil Protection, from the volunteers, to the political leaders of all the Administrations and, ultimately, of society as a whole, increasingly aware of issues related to self-protection.


A consensus Law, which places Spain among the countries with the most advanced Civil Protection System.


We are all involved and we are all necessary. Guaranteeing a coordinated and efficient response to emergencies, as the Law indicates, corresponds to the Public Administrations - the state, autonomous or local governments and also to the citizens, to whom rights and duties are recognized. Right to be informed of the alerts and to participate in the elaboration of the Plans of the different risks through the voluntary Organizations and Associations; and duties, such as caution and self-protection, to avoid creating risks or exposing themselves to them.

Una Ley de consenso, que sitúa a España entre los países con un Sistema de Protección Civil más avanzado.


Todos estamos implicados y todos somos necesarios. Garantizar una respuesta coordinada y eficiente a las emergencias, como señala la Ley, corresponde a las Administraciones Públicas  -la estatal, autonómica o local y también a los ciudadanos, a quienes se les reconoce derechos y deberes. Derecho a estar informados de las alertas y a participar en la elaboración de los Planes de los diversos riesgos a través de las Organizaciones de voluntariado y Asociaciones; y deberes, como el de cautela y autoprotección, para evitar la generación de riesgos o exponerse a ellos.

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